Anthericum liliago . baeticum Anthericum liliago var. baeticum is a species of the genus Anthericum in the family Asparagaceae. It is growing in sandy, stony and woody lands. It is a vigorous herbaceous with tuberous roots and erect and cylindrical stem. The leaves are basal, linear and broad. The White flowers are grouped in a single long cluster and produce an oval capsule, with angular seeds. Datasheet Common NameSt Bernard's lily Botanical nameAnthericum liliago var. baeticumFamilyAsparagaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageDeciduousBasic ColourwhiteHeight60 -> 90 cmHabitatSandy, Stony and wood lands Altitude1800 m Bloom TimeMay -> July Plant TypeHerbs, Tuberous, Ornemental, Outdoor Fruit TypeCapsuledifferent tolerancesHardyUSDA Zone6 (-23)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHAlkaline, NeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type Sandy, StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, Self sowsGerminationCold Germinator, Fast GerminatorPests/ DiseasesSlugs and snails Open Next Page To See More Photos. Anthericum liliago . baeticum Anthericum liliago . baeticum