Spice Plants: 10 Easy Herbs And Spices To Grow At Home

Spice plants: Growing spices at home is possible. Indeed, spices season our dishes and are excellent for our health. We can absolutely consume them every day to benefit from their virtues. If you’ve ever thought about growing spices at home in pots or on the balcony of your apartment, this post is for you. Find out a list of herbs and spices to grow indoors and create a potted spices garden and how to grow your own spices.
Herbs and spice plants you can grow indoors
1- Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)

Rosemary is a fragrant evergreen herb native to the Mediterranean. This plant doesn’t take long to grow and it is easy to harvest. What is also interesting about this plant is that you do not have to wait for the seed to grow. Indeed, it is quite possible to take a cutting and then replant it in another pot. Moreover, thanks to its diuretic virtues, it can purify the blood. In the kitchen, rosemary is an ingredient that can flavor several recipes.
2- Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric is a perennial flowering herb in the Zingiberaceae family. Turmeric is grown just like ginger and looks a bit like a small banana tree and forms a tuft of beautiful leaves with a fairly decorative spike of cream-pink flowers. You can grow this spice plant indoors in cold weather and move it outdoors in warm weather. When it comes to spices, turmeric tops the list because of its innumerate benefits. The rhizome extract is a bright orange powder with a very aromatic peppery flavor that we can use to flavor certain dishes (rice, sauces, cooked vegetables). We also use this powder for its powerful anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant properties, but also the power to prevent certain cancers.
3- Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is a plant that we can grow very well in a pot. Very easy to maintain, you just need to water it periodically so that it can grow well. Ginger is consumed as an infusion, cooked or in capsules and it is often useful to flavor our recipes. It is also beneficial for both body and brain as it’s rich in nutrients and various bioactive compounds.
To grow ginger, get a piece of fresh, organic rhizome if possible. Plant it in a pot filled with potting soil, letting the rhizome stick out. Above all, it should not be completely buried. Water lightly and as soon as the clumps thicken, you can harvest your ginger.
4- Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia)

Vanilla is a species of vining orchid, native to Mexico and Belize, which grows in forest litter. In shops, vanilla remains very expensive, and this is normal because its cultivation is complicated and lengthy. Vanilla will take more or less 5 years for the foot to become an adult and for a first bloom to appear at home. However, it’s worth waiting, because, in the end, you’re going to have your vanilla plantation. The flavor of the vanilla tiny black seeds is distinctively sweet and perfumed with a hint of smoke which can be compared to caramel while the aroma is warm of wood and honey.
5- Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Basil, also called great basil, is a culinary herb of the Lamiaceae family. This plant is one of the easiest herbs to grow and care for indoors. It can also be sown in June and harvested in September. The plant features small, shiny green leaves that grow in bunches and possess a very distinct aroma. These leaves’ fresh, spicy, clove-scented flavor can be a natural addition to so many cooking styles and cuisines.
6- Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)

Cumin is a Mediterranean plant that belongs to the parsley family. This annual herbaceous plant produces very aromatic seeds, used in cooking as a spice. The seeds of the plant are used as a spice. It is commonly used in the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and South Asian cuisine. Apart from the seeds, the leaves are also edible but have no valuable taste. In addition to being aromatic, cumin is known to improve digestion, aid in weight loss and detoxify the body. Once dried, the seeds will keep for several years in airtight jars.
7- Paprika (Capsicum annuum)

Paprika is a small bush of slender leaves with an upright habit. This plant produces small flowers which become hollow fruits containing seeds whose color and shape vary according to the variety. Paprika is a magical spice that gives more flavor to our dishes.
Furthermore, this small plant makes excellent houseplants that can be planted inside a house without necessarily needing direct sunlight. You can also grow varieties that come from Hungary or Spain. Or you can find spicy paprika peppers to dry and use for making homemade Spanish-style Chorizo.
8- Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)

Coriander is an annual herb in the Apiaceae family. We also call it Cilantro or Chinese parsley. The dried seeds of this spice plant, which are very aromatic, are called Coriander seeds. They are ideal for seasoning meats and also an incredible aromatic spices for several dishes. Their spicy aroma is very rich and citrusy. Let the plant flower and seed, then shake those seeds from the seed head into a bowl or paper bag to use in cooking later.
9- Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

Parsley, or garden parsley, is a species of flowering plant in the Apiaceae family that is native to the central and eastern Mediterranean region. Parsley is the most traditional aromatic herb in world cuisine. This aromatic herb is not that expensive, but it is still pleasant to plant your own parsley. The biggest advantage of planting it indoors is that not only does it not need too much sun, but it also grows very quickly (between 3 weeks to a month). There are many varieties of parsley such as curly, Italian giant, Hamburg or even Japanese that usually only live for one year. So you need to sow them every spring. But the easiest and fastest way is to buy seedlings to replant and to gain time and freshness.
10- Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Fennel is a flowering aromatic herb belonging to the carrot family. The fruits of this spice plant make the spice “fennel seeds”. These seeds are a key ingredient in Italian sausage, many Indian-style dishes, and many baking recipes. The seeds also make a great post-dinner digestive and breath freshener. Generally, fennel doesn’t work well as a companion for most herbs and vegetables, so give it a dedicated space on the outskirts of your garden.
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