Echeveria Blue Bird Echeveria ‘Blue Bird’ is a perennial plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. It is a rosette-shaped succulent with dusty blue-grey leaves with red-pink tints. The flowers are pinky-orange, bell-shaped and born on slender stalks in early summer. Datasheet Common NameEcheveria 'Blue Bird' Botanical nameEcheveria Blue Bird FamilyCrassulaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageEvergreenBasic Colourpink - orangeHeight8 cm -> 12 cmHabitatrocky outcroppings at higher altitudes Altitudetell usBloom TimeJune -> JulyPlant TypeSucculent, Ornamental Fruit TypeFollicledifferent tolerancesDrought resistantUsed PartsWhole plantPlant UsesOrnamentalActive substancestell us USDA Zone9 (-7), 10 (-1), 11 (+4), 12 (+10)Sun Exposurefull sun, Part shadeSoil pHAcidic, NeutralSoil MoistureDry, freshSoil Type Mixture, Sandy, Silty, StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, by Cuttings, Self sowsGerminationtell us Pests/ DiseasesMealybugs, rot, fungi, snails, slugs Open Next Page To See More Photos. Echeveria Blue Bird Echeveria Blue Bird