
Growing plants by sowing

Growing plants by sowing

Are you passionate about growing plants? Do you want to grow your favorite plants? Here we give you some tips and tricks to successful sowing.
Many different plants can be raised from seeds or by sowing which consists of depositing seeds, collected from the plant or from the ground around it, in a substrate suitable for each species. If all conditions of temperature, humidity and light are favorable, the germination process will begin (from a few days to a few weeks depending on the species) and gives birth to similar plants with some genetic variations.
The success of this quick and easy method depends on several factors that will be discussed below.

Sowing time

Seeds sowing can be carried out at any season, especially if we create the appropriate conditions for germination; While, spring is the most favorable period for most sowings. Last summer is also a possible period for sowing hardy plants such as some trees, shrubs and biennial plants.

Seeds quality

The success of sowing is influenced by the age of seeds. The seeds longevity differs from one species to another and can vary from a few weeks to a few years. The embryo contained in each seed feeds on the reserve materials that surround it. When these are exhausted the seed loses the ability to germinate.
Examples of seeds longevity:
Some days: Anthurium
Some weeks: Philodendron
Some years: Begonia
More than 100 years: Acacia

Environment quality

Environment quality

Seeds germination is strongly related to many environmental variants such as temperature, humidity and light. The optimal temperature for most species is 20-25 °C (68-77 °F). A moderate amount of water is necessary to keep humidity and avoid rotting. Oxygen is also essential for the survival of the seed; that is why it is necessary to choose an airy environment for sowing.

How to sow

The first step is to prepare the perfect seedbed consisting of a fresh and a weed free substrate with good drainage. That way, the seeds will make perfect contact with the soil. After preparing the seeds, they will be deposited respecting the spaces between them (1 cm). Afterwards, a fine layer of soil is distributed on the seeds then should be watered. At first, a single watering is enough. And if the soil is already wet, just spray.


After germination, some precautions should be taken to allow a good seedlings development.

  • Keep the soil neither too wet nor too dry by spraying regularly
  • Never leave unwanted seedlings lying on the ground as this can attract pests and diseases
  • Remove weeds
  • Protect seedlings from the cold and direct sun
  • Prick out the seedlings to the appropriate container
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