Inula viscosa Inula viscosa, named commonly “Strong-Smelling Inula” or “False yellowhead”, is a perennial shrub of the Asteracea family that is found in most of the Mediterranean basin. This medicinal aromatic species has spreading branches and toothed leaves that have a sticky resin. It blooms with small yellow flowers to produce tiny achenes. Datasheet Common NameStrong-Smelling InulaFalse yellowhead Botanical nameInula viscosa FamilyAsteraceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageDeciduous, Basic Colouryellow Height0.5 -> 1 mHabitatRockeries and scrublands AltitudeTell usBloom TimeMay -> JuneSeptember -> October Plant TypeShrub, MedicinalFruit TypeAchenedifferent tolerancesTell us Used PartsWhole plantPlant UsesMedicineActive substancesCamphor EucalyptolThymol USDA Zone5 (-29), 6 (-23), 7 (-17), 8 (-12), 9 (-7), 10 (-1)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHAlkaline, NeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, Self sowsGerminationTell us Pests/ DiseasesTell us Open Next Page To See More Photos. Inula viscosa Inula viscosa