Justicia spicigera

Justicia spicigera

Justicia spicigera, called also mexican honeysuckle, firecracker bush or orange plume flower, is a medicinal plant belonging to the Acanthaceae family. It is a perennial shrub growing to 2 m height and consists of very branched stems with bright-green, opposite and ovate-shaped leaves. The flowers are orange, tubular and grouped into terminal clusters; the fruits are inconspicuous capsules.


Common NameMexican honeysuckle / firecracker bush / moyotle
Botanical nameJusticia spicigera
Life CyclePerennial
Basic ColourRed / scarlet / purple
Height0.9 -> 1.8 m
HabitatWoodlands, desert areas
Altitude2000 m
Bloom TimeApril -> September
Plant TypeShrub, Medicinal, Ornamental
Fruit TypeCapsule
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Used PartsFlower, Leaf, Fruit, Twig
Plant UsesMedicine, Ornamental, Tea, Dye
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USDA Zone9 (-7), 10 (-1), 11 (+4)
Sun ExposureSun, Part shade
Soil pHAcidic, Alkaline, Neutral
Soil MoistureDry, Fresh
Soil Type Silty
Propagationby seeds / by sowing, by Cuttings, by division, Self sows
GerminationTell us
Pests/ DiseasesWhite flies, root rot

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