Reseda alba

Reseda alba

Reseda alba is an annual / biennial plant of the Resedaceae family. It is commonly called white mignonette or white upright mignonette and occurs throughout the Mediterranean Region. There are simple and alternate leaves on the angular and erect stems. Flowers are white and clustered in dense racemes. The fruit is an oblong capsule.


Common NameWhite mignonette / white upright mignonette
Botanical nameReseda alba
Life CycleAnnual, Biennial
Basic Colourwhite
Height30 -> 90 cm
HabitatBeaches and sandy areas
Altitude0 – 200 m
Bloom TimeMay -> September
Plant TypeHerb, Ornamental
Fruit TypeCapsule
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Plant UsesOrnamental
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USDA Zone> 7 (-17)
Sun Exposurefull sun
Soil pHAlkaline, Neutral
Soil MoistureDry, Moist
Soil Type Sandy, Stony
Propagationby seeds / by sowing, Self sows
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