Achillea ligustica Achillea ligusticais a very common herbaceous species with very cut pubescent foliage. The stems are unique or in groups, the flowers are small and grouped in capitula. The achene is ovoid and glabrous. It is a medicinal plant with aromatic foliage that is commonly found on roadsides and meadows. Datasheet Common Namesouthern yarrow, Ligurian yarrow Botanical NameAchillea ligustica FamilyAsteraceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageSemi-evergreenBasic Colourwhite / creamHeight <60 cm HabitatSunny rocky cracks, Ravines, Cliff, Woodland, Rustic stone soil Altitude0-600 mBloom TimeJune -> OctoberPlant Type Herbs, Ornamental, Medicinal Fruit TypeAchenedifferent tolerancesHardy, HerbaceousUsed PartsFlower, Leaf, Root, Whole plantPlant UsesMedicine , Culinary, Tea, Perfumery, OrnamentalActive SubstancesEssential oils, flavonoids, alkaloids, polyacetylenes monoterpenes, triterpenes, Amino acids, Fatty acids, Ascorbic acid, Caffeic acid, Folic acid, Salicylic acid, Succinic acid, coumarins, tanninsUSDA Zone5 (-29), 8 (-12)Sun Exposure Sun, Part shade Soil pHAlkaline, NeutralSoil MoistureDry, Moist, WetSoil Type Clayey, Peaty, StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, Self sowsGerminationCold Germinator, Fast Germinator Open Next Page To See More Photos. Achillea ligustica Achillea ligustica