Asphodelus microcarpus Asphodelus microcarpus is a medicinal plant widely distributed over the coastal Mediterranean region. It is a perennial plant which forms a clump with deciduous, flat, linear and thick leaves 20 to 40 cm long. The stem is highly branched and hangs starry white flowers. Its roots are tuberous and edible. Datasheet Common NameBranched asphodel Botanical nameAsphodelus microcarpus FamilyAsphodelaceae Life CyclePerennial FoliageDeciduousBasic ColourWhite, Pink Height20 -> 120 cm HabitatGrasslands and lawnsStony and rocky ground Altitude2000 m Bloom TimeApril -> May Plant TypeHerb, Tuberous,Medicinal Fruit TypeCapsule different tolerancesDrought tolerant Used PartsRoot, Leaf, Fruit, Flower Plant UsesMedicine , CulinaryActive substancesStarch USDA Zone6 (-23), 7 (-17),8 (-12), 9 (-7), 10 (-1), 11 (+4), 12 (+10)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHAcidic, Neutral Soil MoistureDrySoil Type SandyPropagationby seeds, by sowing,by Division GerminationCold Germinator, Fast GerminatorPests/ DiseasesAphids Open Next Page To See More Photos. Asphodelus microcarpus Asphodelus microcarpus