Catananche caerulea Catananche caerulea, commonly called Cupid’s dart, is a perennial herbaceous of the aster family. The evergreen foliage forms a tuft of grey-green grassy leaves. The branched slim stems are leafless and bear papery blue flowers with dark centers blooms and each flower is subtended by scarious bracts. The fruit is an oblong achene. This plant is ideal for dry and stony soils. Datasheet Common NameCupid's dart Botanical nameCatananche caerulea FamilyAsteraceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageEvergreenBasic Colourblue / purpleHeight20 -> 90 cmHabitatMeadows, dry lawns, scrublands,stony and calcareous soil Altitude1500 - > 1700 mBloom Time May -> JulyPlant TypeHerbs, Ornamental, OutdoorFruit TypeAchenedifferent tolerancesDrought resistantUsed PartsFlowerPlant UsesOrnamentalActive substancesTell usUSDA Zone7 (-17), 8 (-12), 9 (-7)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHAcidic, NeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, GerminationTell us Pests/ DiseasesOïdium Open Next Page To See More Photos. Catananche caerulea Catananche caerulea