Aloe vera is a very decorative houseplant that is easy to grow, easy to care and requires very little maintenance. This succulent plant has been used since antiquity for its foliage which has incredible medicinal virtues. Here are the characteristics of this plant, its origin, how to grow it and some tips to take care of it properly.
This medicinal succulent is probably originated in the southern half of the Arabian Peninsula, Northern Africa, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. It then developed in most parts of Africa and in the Mediterranean basin.
Why grow Aloe vera?
Aleo verra
The effect of greenery is real and proved by science. By having Aloe vera you can create a structured atmosphere that raise your moral, speeds up the recovery from illnesses, eases fatigue, stress and anxiety and brings a sense of balance and inner well-being. Aloe vera benefits for weight loss, Aloe vera for skin whitening, Aloe vera for burns scars and lot of medicinal effects have been confirmed by several users.
Nowadays, our homes are more exposed to different sources of chemical pollution (Dye, dust, plastics, cleaning products, flooring…). This pollution affects our concentration, our sleep and our health. But due to Aloe vera and other indoor plants the ambient air will be purified and moistened and gives a sensation of freshness and relaxation.
How to propagate aloe vera ?
By Sowing
Aleo verra seeds
Aloes produce seeds after four years when they reach maturity. Once the plant is flowering you can harvest seeds from flowers or just buy them from reputable dealers. Place the seeds on top of a porous soil mixture and cover with approximately 1/8-inch of soil, as planting too deep can delay or be detrimental to them sprouting. Keep the soil moist and in a sunny location until germination occurs. The best sowing time is spring at 20-25°C.
Spray the soil surface for 2-4 weeks until sprouts appearance. Young seedlings should stay on a heat source for two weeks as they develop roots. Water the seedlings without exceeding the sufficient amount for the roots. Finally, transfer each small Aloe to 2-inch (5 cm.) pots with a sterilized mix of 1/3 potting soil, 1/3 coarse sand and 1/3 peat blonde.
Cuttings or division?
The cutting of Aloe vera is not always successful, so avoid planting a piece of leaf or an entire leaf because you will have less chance to have a new plant. The best way to propagate your aloe is by division. Remove the developing pups (new Aloe vera plants growing at the base of the plant) surrounding the mother plant and plant them inside a sandy and a fast draining soil. You must wait until the pups are mature enough to be removed. The best way to tell if the babies are ready to be separated is to check the aloe plant roots.
After transplanting Aloe vera, wait for several days before watering them, especially if the soil is already damp. This will give them time to recover from the shock.
How to care of Aloe vera?
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is a very resistant plant, particularly with the heat, it will be as well outside in the summer as inside your house the winter.
If you are growing Aloe vera indoors, install it near a window that allows light to pass while avoiding the sun’s rays. Too much direct sunlight can cause the plant to dry out.
Choose a little bit larger pot since plant can grow quite big. Choose a pot in clay or terracotta, pierced at the bottom.
Use well-drained soil (you can use special potting compost or make a homemade mixture of soil, sand and gravel).
In spring and summer, aloe vera should be watered about once a week, when the soil is dry on the surface.
Reduce watering during the fall and winter. Use water at ambient temperature.
Every 2 to 3 years, repot your Aloe vera in the spring, after flowering in a pot of a larger diameter.
If the leaves of your aloe vera become thin and curled the plant needs more water. If you notice that the leaves are turning brown it probably gets to much direct sunlight. If that is the case you should move the plant. If the leaves are lying flat instead of growing upward your aloe vera probably has insufficient light. When it grows very slowly it could mean that the plant has too much fertilizer or needs a bigger pot.