Lophophora williamsii, called also peyote or mescal buttons, is a perennial member of the Cactaceae family. It has a small, spineless, soft and very succulent stem that have 4 to 13 rounded and straight ribs. The areoles are covered with a soft, yellowish or whitish hair and no spines. The pink-white flowers bloom after 10 to 30 years. The small pink fruit is edible and contain small black seeds. Peyote is widely used in medicine because of its many health benefits. Datasheet Common NamePeyote/ Whiskey cactus/ Turnip cactus/ Indian-dope Botanical nameLophophora williamsii FamilyCactaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageEvergreenBasic ColourpinkHeight2 ->20 cmHabitatMountains and deserts Altitude100 - 1900 mBloom TimeMay -> September Plant TypeCactus, Succulent, Ornamental, Medicinal Fruit TypeBerrydifferent tolerancesTell usUsed PartsWhole plantPlant UsesMedicine, OrnamentalActive substancesMescaline, Lophophorine USDA Zone9 (-7), 10 (-1), 11 (+4), 12 (+10)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHNeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type Stony, Sandy, Peaty Propagationby seeds / by sowing, by Cuttings, Self sowsGerminationTell us Pests/ DiseasesResistant Open Next Page To See More Photos. Lophophora williamsii Lophophora williamsii