Mammillaria elongata Mammillaria elongata, commonly known as lady fingers or golden stars, is a perennial member of the Cactaceae family. This cactus forms dense groups of cylindrical stems growing to 25 cm height. The tubercles are conical and end with wooly rounded areoles. The 15 to 30 radial spines are short and curved. The plant produces yellow bell-shaped flowers on the upper part of the stem and cylindrical red fruit with brown seeds. Datasheet Common NameLady Fingers, Golden Stars Botanical nameMammillaria elongata FamilyCactaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageEvergreenBasic ColouryellowHeight15 -> 25 cmHabitatGrasslands, rocky lands Altitude1300 - 2300 mBloom TimeMay -> JunePlant TypeCactus, Succulent, Ornamental Fruit TypeBerrydifferent tolerancesHardyUsed PartsWhole plantPlant UsesOrnamentalActive substancesNo active substances knownUSDA Zone9 (-7), 10 (-1), 11 (+4), 12 (+10)Sun ExposureSunSoil pHNeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type Sandy, StonyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, by Cuttings, by division, Self sowsGerminationtell usPests/ Diseasesdisease free Open Next Page To See More Photos. Mammillaria elongata Mammillaria elongata Mammillaria elongata Open Next Page To See More Photos. Mammillaria elongata Mammillaria elongata