Ribes uva-crispa Ribes uva-crispa is a deciduous Shrub growing on a bush approximately 150 cm tall. It belongs to Grossulariaceae family and commonly known as gooseberry. The stems are flexible and usually spiny. The green leaves are alternate, pubescent and margins toothed, and cannot be edible owing to their toxicity. The bell-shaped flowers are isolated or clustered and their blooming is followed by red and sweet gooseberries. Datasheet Common NameGooseberry Botanical nameRibes uva-crispa FamilyGrossulariaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageDeciduousBasic ColourwhiteHeight0.8 -> 1.5 mHabitatForests and gardens Altitude1800 mBloom TimeMarch -> AprilPlant TypeShrub, MedicinalFruit TypeBerrydifferent tolerancesTell usUsed PartsFruit, LeafPlant UsesMedicine , Culinary, Edible fruitActive substancesTannin USDA Zone5 (-29), 6 (-23), 7 (-17), 8 (-12), 9 (-7)Sun ExposurePart shadeSoil pHAlkaline, NeutralSoil MoistureMoistSoil Type ClayeyPropagationby seeds / by sowing, by Cuttings, Self sows, by layeringGerminationTell us Pests/ DiseasesGray of the gooseberry, Zophodia Open Next Page To See More Photos. Ribes uva-crispa Ribes uva-crispa