Sempervivum atlanticum Sempervivum atlanticum, commonly known as Moroccan houseleek, is a perennial member of the Crassulaceae family that is among the easiest plants to grow. This succulent plant forms compact rosettes of bright-green leaves that will form beautiful mats with time. Short spikes of pink, star-shaped flowers are produced in summer, then a fruit in the form of a follicle. Datasheet Common NameMoroccan Houseleek Botanical nameSempervivum atlanticum FamilyCrassulaceae Life CyclePerennialFoliageEvergreenBasic ColourPinkHeight6 -> 10 cmHabitatRockeries, gardens Altitude1900 - 1300 mBloom TimeJune -> JulyPlant TypeHerb, Succulent, OrnamentalFruit TypeFollicledifferent tolerancestell usUsed PartsWhole plantPlant UsesOrnamentalActive substancesNo active substances knownUSDA Zone6 (-23), 7 (-17), 8 (-12), 9 (-7)Sun Exposurefull sunSoil pHAcidic, Alkaline, NeutralSoil MoistureDrySoil Type Sandy, Clayey, Silty, Stony Propagationby seeds / by sowing, by division, Self sowsGerminationtell us Pests/ DiseasesDisease free Open Next Page To See More Photos. Sempervivum atlanticum Sempervivum atlanticum