7 Inspiring Garden Ideas

With all the hustle and bustle of the city and the Pollution, having a small garden should be considered a luxury. Not only does it help the environment, but it also aids in both mental and physical relaxation. It is easier to maintain and increases the overall aesthetics of a home. If you don’t have a small garden yet, or have one and are looking for new ideas to take it to the next level, you are at the right place. The following are seven small garden ideas to inspire others:

1. Plant Fruits in Pots:

There are a wide variety of fruits that can be planted in a garden, but for a small one, we have to choose wisely. When selecting fruit to plant, consider the space available and the maintenance of the plant itself. Usually, if you don’t have much gardening experience, it is better to buy a plant that has already sprouted instead of seeds. All you have to do is buy a pot, fill it with soil, and then place the plant. Then it’s just about watering it every few days.

 The best suggestion for fruit would be a lemon plant, as it can be harvested all season and are very easy to maintain. Think about having a refreshing glass of lemonade made out of freshly squeezed lemon from your garden in the summer. Other options to grow are figs, grapes, and berries of your choice. All these fruits can be planted in pots, take up minor space, and the best part, provide you with fresh homegrown fruit.

Open the next page to see more Inspiring Garden Ideas.

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