String succulents are exactly what their name implies, the name of each plant reflects the shape of its leaves. More and more trendy, they are great indoor plants that will bring a decorative green touch to your interiors. String succulents like other decorative hanging plants love to nestle on shelves, stairs, windowsills or in high furniture to bring verticality due to their flexible stems and their drooping leave. It is necessary to choose the appropriate location and not to put them too high so as not to make their watering too hard.
In this article, check out the top 7 stylish string succulents your need to add to your houseplants collection!
1. String of pearls
Senecio rowleyanus, also called String of pearls, is among the wonderful hanging plants belonging to the Asteraceae family, native to southern Africa and Namibia. It has a creeping or a dropping form with branched stems, bearing a foliage looking like a river of peas.
This succulent blooms in the summer with whitish small flowers in the form of a bush. This beauty needs a well draining soil, less water and bright but indirect sunlight.
2. String of bananas
Senecio radicans , native to Africa, is a perennial succulent belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is named String of banana for the banana shape of its glossy leaves. Like many other African species, this succulent is relatively hardy and easy to take care of. This beautiful indoor plant produces little white, yellow or lavender fuzzy flowers similar to String of Pearls that have a sweet cinnamon scent that usually appear in late winter or early spring. If you want to take care of your String of bananas plant, keep it in a slightly humid place, with a sunny to half-shaded exposure and in sandy soil with an acidic pH.
3. String of hearts
Ceropegia woodii, called also String of hearts, is the star of plants. It is a perennial plant native to South Africa belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family. String of hearts is ideal to give as a gift in special occasions because of their wonderful heart-shaped leaves. This tuberous plant has long trailing stems bearing small pale to dark green leaves. Tubular, pink flowers appear in late summer to early fall and last up to 6 weeks.
String of Hearts are easy to care for. Provide bright light (but indirect light) and full sun at least 3 hours a day. Watering every 10 days should suffice during the growing season. In autumn, reduce gradually the frequency of watering.
4. String of nickels
Dischidia nummularia is a very decorative hanging plant native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia. It is an Epiphytic plant, meaning in the wild it will attach itself to on other plants, tree trunks or rocks. Its thin drooping stems bear small, thick, shiny pale green leaves and if you place the plant high enough, they can reach up to a meter in length. White to yellowish tiny flowers will typically appear during spring with pods filled with densely packed seeds. They need a well draining soil, preferably one designed for epiphytic plants containing shredded bark or coconut husks. Choose a bright environment but without direct sunlight. An artificial light supply can be beneficial. String of nickels requires more humidity than other hanging succulent, so spray it regularly with a non calcareous water and do not place it in a daily ventilated room.
5. String of turtles
Peperomia prostrata, named commonly String of turtles is a slow-growing perennial succulent belonging to the family of Piperaceae. It is native to Brazilian rainforests. This unique succulent has leaves that look like turtles, they are also tiny, fleshy, dark green and blue with white vines. The plant blooms with insignificant cream-colored flowers on long spikes. Peperomia generally prefers cool-to-warm, humid weather and a moist soil. It also does not like to be exposed to direct sunlight, but will adapt to low light or partial shade.
6. String of dolphins
Curio peregrinus is a hybrid of Curio articulatus and Curio rowleyanus. This succulent both exotic and a little strange too is named String of dolphins because it develops leaves that literally look like tiny dolphins leaping off their trailing stem! It is not that common to find this species but fortunately, this beautiful houseplant can be grown quite easily from cuttings. In the fall, small white blossoms that smell like cinnamon can emerge to beautify and add a touch of magic to your interiors. String of dolphins plant is very resistant to drought and even cold temperatures. Give it bright, indirect light and don’t let it dry out too much.
7. String of beads/ String of watermelons
Senecio Herreianus is a beautiful succulent native to Namibia and South Africa. It is very similar to String of pearls plant with a difference in the shape of the green leaves which are more elongated and lined with delicate purple stripes. Small, white flowers appear from spring to fall on long peduncles. This plant looks great in hanging baskets but can also be planted in-ground as ground cover. String of beads called also String of watermelons is an extremely drought tolerant plant. It needs a well-drained soil, moderate watering during summer and reduced watering in winter, leave to dry between two waterings. Occasional use of natural fertilizers will be beneficial.