Bellis perennis Bellis perennis, which mean perennial beauty, is a perennial medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family. The spoon-shaped leaves form a basal rosette of dark green. The flowerheads are surrounded by two rows of bracts and consists of white female flowers and yellow hermaphrodite florets. The fruit is a flat achene without pappus. The leaves are edible and the whole plant is widely used in homeopathy. Datasheet Common NameCommon daisy,lawn daisy,english daisy Botanical nameBellis perennis FamilyAsteraceae Life CyclePerennial, BiennialFoliageEvergreenBasic Colourwhite / yellow Height10 - > 20 cmHabitatLawns, meadows, roadsides Altitude2500 mBloom TimeApril -> SeptemberPlant TypeHerbs, Ornamental, Outdoor, MedicinalFruit TypeAchenedifferent tolerancesTell usUsed PartsFlower, LeafPlant UsesMedicine , CulinaryActive substancesSaponins, Tannin, Essential oil, Flavones, Bitter principle, MucilageUSDA Zone3 (-40), 4 (-35),5 (-29), 6 (-23), 7 (-17), 8 (-12), 9 (-7), 10 (-1)Sun ExposureSun, Part sunSoil pHNeutralSoil MoistureMoistSoil Type OrdinaryPropagationby Seeds, by sowing, by division GerminationTell us Pests/ DiseasesSlugs and snails Open Next Page To See More Photos. Bellis perennis Bellis perennis